“Green Pastures: God’s faithfulness in the story of Naomi and Ruth” presented by God’s Amazing Love Storytellers
Do you need a good laugh? Are you searching for calm and peace in your life? The Lord leads us beside still waters in a world that is often chaotic. This truth is illustrated through characters in the Bible and some look-alike cast from Duck Dynasty. Come prepared to laugh and be inspired.
The G.A.L.S. presentation of “Green Pastures” is based on the power of God’s faithfulness found in the story of Naomi and Ruth. The drama will illustrate ways you can experience God’s faithfulness even when faced with doubt and difficulties.
Mark your calendar and plan to attend on Thursday, November 3, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Treat yourself to this special program and be inspired through music, testimonies, and drama. Special music provided by ONE HEART, Aundrea Campbell and Karen Bass.
Enjoy an early Thanksgiving feast. Lunch begins at 11:30 am and includes turkey and dressing, vegetables, salads, beverage, and dessert for $10.00 per person. Cornerstone is located at 3500 Noble Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas 76111. For reservations for groups of 6 or more call 817-632-6000
Cornerstone Assistance Network
3500 Noble Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76111
For reservations for six or more please call 817.632.6000